16.  Web filters

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.0 $ 2006-12-27 j.h

Only one filter in this group for the moment: ΓÇ£ImageMapΓÇ¥.

16.1.  ImageMap

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.0 $ 2006-12-27 j.h

16.1.1.  Overview

This plug-in lets you select areas in an image. These areas will be linked to a text, an image, a script, an Internet site... which will appear by clicking on these areas. A HTML file is created, you can view in a Web browser.

This is a complex tool which has never been completely described (Probably because Web page makers offer this function). You can find a good introduction in Grokking the GIMP .

16.1.2.  Activate the filter

You can find this filter through Filters → Web → ImageMap

16.1.3.  Options

Figure 16.269.  ImageMap options

ImageMap options